laserDESK features
Marking Objects
Easy Creation of Geometric Shapes

- Basic shapes (line, circle, rectangle etc.)
- Extended shapes (symmetric polygons, spirals)
- Open and closed freeform shapes (Bezier curves, polygons etc.)
- Versatile fill functions for closed objects and groups
- Multiple hatch layers with various orientations
- Path fills
- Outline settings
- Jump reduction
- Overlap effects
- Auto-sorting
Beam thickness compensation
Import Filter for Bitmap and Vector Formats
Import widely-used vector formats: ai, dxf, plt, svg
Import widely-used bitmap formats: bmp, gif, jpg, pcx, png, tga, tif, twain
Easy and Automatic Creation of Text Elements
- Font and vector text with TrueType support
- Single-line typeface (automatically converted fom TrueType fonts)
- Automatic barcode display (EAN13, DataMatrix, QRCode etc.)
- Full Unicode support
- External text file import
- Text alignment to paths and circles
- Internal serial number management
- Serial marking using external files
- Date and time in country-specific formats
3D Marking Functions Such As

- Control of different Z layers
- 3D spirals
- Marking on sloped surfaces
- 3D vectors from DXF imports
- Import and slicing of stl-files for deep engraving and rapid prototyping